Thursday, July 16, 2009

Aquaculture Technologies Pakistan Fish Shrimp Farming Consultants

Aquaculture Technologies Pakistan are one of the leading Fish Shrimp Farming Consultants in Pakistan. Through years of hands-on-experience, Aquaculture Technologies offers its services to potential investors for complete setup of Fish & Shrimp farms in the Thatta District of Sindh, Pakistan, whether Freshwater, Brackishwater or Marine farming project. Our Consultants have over 20 years of experience covering all forms of Aquaculture. Fish, Shrimp and freshwater Prawn farming is a profitable business and the scope in this field is enormous. We can provide turnkey solutions which include consultancy, site selection, purchase of suitable land, hatchery, fish seed, fish shrimp feeds, aeration, farm equipment, intensive culture, farm management and marketing. Species include Carps, Catfish, Barramundi, Giant Freshwater Prawns. Tilapia & Hybrids and other exotic species. Farming methods can be extensive or semi-intensive or both. Good Aquaculture Practices (GAP / GMP) with proper Aquaculture Certification and an on site Processing Plant will pave the way for Exports to all parts of the World.

We give top priority to Site Selection which include suitable soil, drainage, topography, infrastructure and most importantly, water quality and quantity. We have surveyed and have thorough knowledge of the areas most suitable for Aquaculture with ample year round water supplies in the Thatta District. We have over 100 experienced farm staff on hand. In short, we are the leaders in the field of Aquaculture in Pakistan.

We have over 20 years experience in the field of Aquaculture and have successfully managed several farms and hatcheries in the Thatta and Badin Districts on contract and or partnership basis on an area exceeding 3,000 acres. These farms included a hatchery, nursery, fry, fingerling and grow out ponds. Pond area varies from a few hundred square ft. to man made lakes over 500 acres. The species cultured are Major Carps, Chinese Carps, Common Carps, Tilapia, Tilapia Hybrids, Catfish, Barramundi, Mullet, Freshwater Prawns, Snakeheads and African Catfish Magur.

Khalid Memon is presently a Member of the Task Force, Inland Aquaculture, Ministry of Fisheries, Agriculture and Fisheries (MINFAL), Islamabad.

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